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 Home / ProductDW Single-layer Mesh-Belt Dryer

DW Single-layer Mesh-Belt Dryer

This machine is a continuous penetrating flow drying equipment applied for drying pieces strip and particles state materials with good ventilation. The machine is suitable for the materials such as dewatering vegetable, herbal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine and others, for which the water contents are high and high drying temperature is not high.

Detailed description

● Amount of air, heating temperature, time of material stay on the belt and velocity of feeding material can be adjusted in order to obtain the best drying effect. ● Equipment's configuration is very flexible. It can use the netlike belt washing system and cooling raw material system. ● Hot air can be circularly applied, the energy is greatly saved ● Unique air dividing device, it makes hot air distribute uniformly; this can guarantee products' quality. ● Heating source can be selected from steam, conducting heat oil, electricity, coal furnace and oil burner.
The materials are uniformly distributed on the mesh-belt by the material feeder. The mesh-belt generally adopts 12-60 mesh stainless steel mesh and it is drawn by a transmission device and move inside the dryer . The dryer is composed of several sections. For each section, the hot air is circulated separately. Part of exhausted gas is exhausted by a special moisture exhaust blower. The waste gas is controlled by an adjustment valve. The hot air passes through the mesh-belt covered with, material from the top to the bottom or from the bottom to the top and this will complete the heat and mass transfer process. This process will bring water away. The mesh-belt moves slowly, running speed can be freely adjusted according to the material property. The final products after the drying process will fall into the material collector continuously. The top and low circulation units can be freely equipped according to the user's requirements. The number of section might be selected according to the production demands.
De-watering vegetable, particle feed, gourmet powder, shredded coconut stuffing, organic plastic, compound rubber, acral fibre, medicine product, medicine material, small wooden product, plastic product, aging and solidification for the electronic component and device.
Technical parameters:
型號 DW-1.2-8 DW-1.2-10 DW-1.6-8 DW-1.6-10 DW-2-8 DW-2-12
單元數 4 5 4 5 4 6
帶寬 m 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.6 2 2
干燥段長 m 8 10 8 12 8 12
鋪料厚 mm 10~80
使用溫度 ℃ 60~130
蒸汽壓力 Mpa 0.2~0.8
蒸汽耗量kgsteam/kgH2O 2.2~2.5
干燥強度 kgH2O/h 6~20kg/m2.H
風機總功率 KW 3.3 4.4 6.6 8.8 12 16
設備總功率 KW 4.05 5.15 7.35 9.55 13.1



Next Information:YZG/FZG Series Vacuum Dryer

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